TCDD-Steam in Turkey (Elazığ-Tatvan) Eastern delights 1982/3

Highlights from trips to what were then "remote" parts of Turkey in 1982/3. It was still possible to see heavyweight steam handling heavyweight trains on some main lines. To hear these magnificent beasts thundering through the stillness of the countryside, their exhausts echoing off the hills was an unforgettable experience. I hope these clips retain some of those thrills.

In addition to the big engines, smaller American S160 locos were still used on shunting turns, as were Nohab 2-6-0s.

The oil-fired Krupp/Henschel 2-6-0 with smoke deflectors was still working the Kahramanmaras branch.

The USATC S200 "Middle East" Class were the prime movers on heavy and fast main line trains between Elazig and Tatvan. The first example seen is the unique loco fitted with German Wagner smoke deflectors, giving it a "Japanese" look. Anyone agree?

The "Standard" 2-10-0 56001 Class are seen in various locations, some with very long trains.

Finally we see the heaviest and latterly most powerful steam locos in Turkey, 56301 Class "Skyliners" built in the USA by the Vulcan Foundry. We chase a 2.000 ton sugar beet train, and witness these truly dramatic machines in action. It was a priviledge to be there and see them.

Digital transfer from 8mm sound film to digital format by Planet Television. Also thanks go to Gunter Oxco for organising this trip and for doing most of the driving.

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